The And Ensemble
The And Ensemble

Cat Fail Reenactment music

Cat Fail Reenactment music
Chorus from 'Cute' by Abby Hall & The And Ensemble
Cat Fail Reenactment music.mp3
MP3 audio file [903.5 KB]

You can download the Cat Fail Reenactment music FREE from this page. The music is the final chorus from the song 'Cute' by Abby Hall and The And Ensemble, the whole song will be released sometime this summer (July or August 2017).


Please feel free to use this music for your own 'Cat Fail Reeneactment' meme. 


A word of caution though, we carefully risk assessed our cat fail shoots and used proper crash mats etc, and you should too. No Joe Collinses where harmed during the making of our cat fail videos!



Or just watch Joe, Abby and Angus messing around in one of the Theatre studios at York St John University.

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